5 Habits For A Morning Routine While Working From Home

(Thanks to Ashley Stahl at Forbes for this post)

“My days always start out stressful.”

I recently had a coaching call with a client who shared this concern.  She, like many, had been working from home and struggling to adjust to the shift.  She loved her job itself, but I could already tell she was struggling with the corporate culture. 

Her concern got me curious to understand more: “Tell me, what do you do when you get up in the morning?” 

“Well, I turn my alarm off on my phone and usually scroll through the news, then check my email, take a quick shower and then I’m right to work with my coffee brewing.”

The answer was right there. Her morning routine was littered in bright screens, difficult updates, and work demands.  There was no time to ease into her day, and spend a few moments to prepare for stimulus.

Sound familiar? It’s no surprise, considering that 46% of Americans check their phones before even getting out of bed.

Although it’s important to stay well informed with the news, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should wake up and immediately start consuming information. When you consume content first thing in the morning you are 27% more likely to report having a negative day. 

The perks of remote life are big, but if not managed delicately, working remotely can leave people feeling isolated, or even more stressed out by their work. That’s why having a morning routine in place provides structure to manage the happenings of the day.

Here are 5 steps you can take during the first hour of your day to stay healthy and happy.

1. Drink a full glass of water

Going hours without any intake of fluids can impact your quality of sleep and start your day off on the wrong foot. Combat this by drinking a glass of water right when you wake up.

This easy task is apparently harder than it sounds. It is reported that 75% of Americans experience chronic dehydration. This lack of hydration leads to a myriad of health complications along with a foggy memory, irritability, and fatigue. In order to stay on top of your work and keep your mind fresh, you must get into the habit of drinking more water. 

For someone who isn’t a morning person, do yourself a favor and set out a glass of water by your bed at night to drink first thing in the morning. Or, while you let the morning coffee brew, pour yourself a large glass of cool water and drink up. Studies have found that drinking cold water actually helps burn a few extra calories as you digest it since your body must work harder to maintain its core temperature.

2. Journal in peace

Take time to connect with yourself.  I have personally found journaling to be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, and the benefits are endless. Journaling, especially when you first wake up, reduces anxiety and overwhelm. The benefits even steam into your career:a Stanford report identified that strong writing skills help you communicate and teach others more clearly. The more you write, the better your communication may become. When companies take into account that poor communication has accounted for $37 billion annually in losses, employing people that know how to effectively communicate matters more than ever.

Each morning, find a quiet space and write for 15 minutes. This doesn’t need to be a “dear diary” sort of journaling, simply allow your stream of consciousness to flow and channel whatever is coming out, through your hand. There is no wrong way to write what is flowing through your mind.  Over time, you will begin to find solace in these precious moments to connect more to yourself and your thoughts. 

3. Identify your top priorities

When working from home, it can be tempting to start work immediately. If you aren’t careful, you will find yourself sifting through email all day and night.  

Before you get settled into work mode, outline your work hours for the day and what tasks you need to accomplish. Look at your to-do list and identify the top priorities you must accomplish above all else.  From here, tackle these items, and know that anything else after that is an even greater win.

Don’t forget to take care of your well being throughout the day...Even if you are staying home , give yourself break time to enjoy lunch, read, or go for a walk. You need this time for yourself ...and for your quality of work.  When you take care of yourself, you are better able to care for others, and that includes your workload. 

4. Practice Gratitude

Research has shown that gratitude improves your general well-being, increases your resilience and reduces your stress or depression. Instead of waking up to read potentially upsetting news or angry work emails, wake up with gratitude.  

After you journal, write down three things you are grateful for. There is always something to be thankful for, and sometimes it is simply a matter of looking a little harder. Not only will practicing gratitude put you in a better mindset, but you will begin to notice more opportunities to be grateful for what you value most.  If you are always listing out family members, you likely value community. If you are jotting down moments when you share your feelings, you are deeply connected to self-expression. Use your gratitude not only as a practice for a positive living but also as a means to connect more deeply with yourself. When you begin the day with gratitude, you will carry it with you throughout each moment that passes by.  

5. Move around

Working from home helps to eliminate your office commute time and free you to do something more enjoyable. Take advantage of that 54 minutes of average roundtrip commute time to get active. 

A 2019 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that morning exercise improves attention, visual learning, and decision-making. Not only that but, a morning workout may be a better match for your body’s hormonal fluctuations. Cortisol, a hormone that keeps you awake and alert, reaches its peak around 8 am. So get up and get moving. 

I am not the most active person, but have found breathwork in the morning coupled with some light yoga helps me connect my mind with my body throughout the entire day. If you are more spunky, more power to ya.  There is a myriad of at-home workout options:

  • Peloton: Known for their spin classes, this membership actually offers far more.  They host on-demand and archived classes ranging from spin to yoga and anything in between. 

  • YouTube: This search engine is filled with accounts that offer at-home workout tutorials and videos to follow, all for free. My brother and his wife particularly love POPSUGAR’s workouts, and their recommendation has translated into my whole family doing it daily for 20 mins!

  • Yoga Studio: Mind and Body: Offers a variety of guided yoga classes divided into categories such as “flexibility” or “strength”.  

  • Nike+ Training Club Provides a library of various workouts at alternative difficulties, and you can hop in and out whenever you like. 

  • Insight Timer App offers incredible meditations. My favorites are from Sahara Rose and Sarah Blondin.

Pick something that you love doing and give yourself the gift of movement.

My client built a morning routine that lasted one hour each day and tailored these habits to her personal needs.  We met a few weeks later, and she already expressed a level of difference in how she was able to approach the day.

Habits are hard to break. If you want to make positive changes and manage working from home, you’ll need to work for it.



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